MEETING TONIGHT IS CANCELLED DUE TO A LACK OF QUORUM….: The City Council Meeting scheduled for tonight is cancelled , due to a lack of quorum.    We apologize for any inconvenience.  

Weather in Shallowater

Variance to place a mobile home at 505 Avenue F

City of Shallowater


Public Notice




The City of Shallowater would like to give all interested parties the right to appear and be heard at the council meeting on Tuesday, the 20th of April, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Training Room, 607 Ave G, Shallowater, Texas on the issue of a variance to place 28’X56’ 2020 mobile home at 505 Ave F.   Candy and Richard Nieto are requesting the variance to improve the area and allow their daughter Victoria Boyer a place for a home in Shallowater.   This variance, if granted would allow a 28’X56’ mobile home to be placed facing south on Lot 4, Block 17, Original Town of Shallowater on Avenue F.   The mobile home would sit similarly on this property as the mobile home next door at 503 Avenue F.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to City Hall, 806-696-4300.

Thank you