Variance to place a storage garage at 1426 5th street: City of Shallowater  Public notice  The City of Shallowater would like to give all interested parties the right to appear and be heard at the council meeting on Tuesday, the 15th of April, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Training Room, 607 Ave G, Shallowater, Texas on the issue of a variance to place a 12′ x 33′ garage addition at 1426 5th street with 10′ side walls and a 3/12 pitch. The building will be placed on an existing slab 4′ from the house. The variance is for the size, height, and placement of the structure. All other setback requirements will be met.  This variance, if granted would allow Mr. Deleon the ability to place a 396 sq. ft. garage at 1426 5th. Any questions or concerns may be directed to City Hall, 806-696-4300

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