Notice of General Election 2025: Notice of General Election 2025

Weather in Shallowater

Lubbock County Variance request for Well to be constructed on County property inside the city limits

The City of Shallowater would like to give all interested parties the right to appear and be heard at the council meeting on Tuesday, the 15th of June, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Training Room, 607 Ave G, Shallowater, Texas on the issue of a variance to place an irrigation well on the property owned by Lubbock County.   The location of the well will be in the County Park Property located at the corner of Avenue H and 8th Street.  The park property is 7.1 acres and is contiguous to the 3.5-acre County Ag Museum property west of Avenue G and the 2.0-acre County Road and Bridge facility south of 8th Street.  The County will use the well to irrigate the existing “Little League” ball fields and park grounds, irrigate any future park development, and provide service water for Road and Bridge operations.  The Proposed well is expected to be between 140 and 150 feet deep with an anticipated maximum production of 70 gallons per minute.  The well location is more than 100 yards or 300 feet from the nearest valid well.  This complies with the High Plains Water District spacing requirements for wells between 17.5 and 70 gallons per minute in the Ogallala/ Edwards Trinity (High Plains) Aquifer.  The proposed well will benefit the City of Shallowater and Lubbock County citizens by providing irrigation for the parks and service water for continued County maintenance operations.  This variance, if granted would allow Lubbock County permission to construct a well inside the city limits on Lubbock County property that will produce a maximum of 70 gallons per minute.  There is a benefit to the community as a whole because it will irrigate the County Park Property and ballfields and provide service water to Lubbock County Road and Bridge for operations and the City of Shallowater will return the existing wells to domestic production.    Any questions or concerns may be directed to City Hall, 806-696-4300.

Thank you

Emergency Alert 03-13-2025: On Friday, March 14th, 2025, starting at 0900, Xcel Energy MAY shut off electrical service in the Shallowater area, including the City of Shallowater, due to high winds and low humidity. If you receive power from Xcel Energy, please be prepared for an outage.