City Hall

Shallowater City Hall


The City of Shallowater is a community rich in history and pride.

We will continue to strive for excellence to improve the overall quality of life for our community.

We are here to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of services to the Citizens of Shallowater.

City hall page

We are proud to serve you!

Basic Services Provided
The basic services provided by the city are as follows:

Public Safety: police, fire, and ambulance service

Utilities:  water and sewer, and trash collection

Land Use:  planning, zoning, code enforcement, and other regulatory activities

Transportation: street maintenance

Recreation/Culture:  Young City Park and Splash Pad

Legal:  ordinances protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Shallowater

Contact Information:

Physical Address:
801 Ave. G
Shallowater, Texas 79363

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 246
Shallowater, Texas 79363

(806) 696-4300

(806) 696-4253


Royking Potter

[email protected]

City Administrator

Russel Moses
[email protected]

City Secretary, TRMC, CPM

Amanda Cummings
[email protected]

Deputy Secretary, TRMC 

Nikki Coronado
[email protected]

Utility Billing/Court Clerk

Marla Henson
[email protected]

Adminsitrative Assistant

Bethany Dotson
[email protected]