Variance for an irrigation well to be placed on the property owned by SISD:                                                                      City of Shallowater                                                                          Public Notice   The City of Shallowater would like to give all interested parties the right to appear and be heard at the council meeting on Tuesday, the 17th of December , 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Training Room, 607 Ave G, Shallowater, Texas on the issue of a variance to place an irrigation well on the property owned by Shallowater Independent School District.  The location of the well is in Lubbock County, District # 101270, in Shallowater, Texas.  The well will be in Section 27 Block D5 with a Latitude of 33.692237 and a Longitude of -101.99276 as stated in the High Plains Underground Water Conservation District Water Well Permit Application.      This variance, if granted would allow Shallowater Independent School District to place a well to irrigate on their property. The well has a maximum production of 165 gallons per minute.  The benefit to the community as a whole is the city will not have to provide treated drinking water to irrigate and the property can be maintained by Shallowater ISD.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to City Hall, 806-696-4300. Thank you 

Weather in Shallowater

Public Hearing for Variance Request for Metal Shop at 1104 15th for Mr. John Houser

City of Shallowater

Public Notice


The City of Shallowater would like to give all interested parties the right to appear and be heard at the council meeting on Tuesday, the 16th of March, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department Training Room, 607 Ave G, Shallowater, Texas on the issue of a variance request from John Houser at 1104 15th Street to place an 18’ X 25’ metal shop/garage to be placed on the rear lot line closest to the alley or within the geometry needed for vehicle access it could be within a range of up to six feet. The walls will be 9’ high with a low-profile pitch roof on the order of one to nine.  The owner is also requesting to pour a concrete entrance pad in the easement from the property line to the vehicle tracks in the alley.  The owner accepts the risk that the concrete may be destroyed by the city to complete infrastructure repairs and understands that the repairs or replacement to concrete will be at their expense. 

This variance, if granted would allow the owner to build a 450 square foot metal shop/garage. The variance is for the size and height of the structure and the ability to place the detached metal shop/garage on the rear property line or inside the property line to the north far enough to allow for vehicle access.   The plans meet all other required setbacks.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to City Hall, 806-696-4300.